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Even seemingly ordinary moments can be unattainable.
Help caregivers
just be a parent for a while.

Juliet's house is still under construction.

We already provide care for children at home.

Our professional caregivers and nurses visit children in their home environment. They relieve people (most often parents of terminally ill children) from very demanding and exhausting care responsibilitiesLearn more about our field services here.

What is Children's Hospice?

For the time being, there is no place in the Czech Republic focused primarily on pediatric palliative care that would offer comprehensive health and social services in one place. The term "children's hospice" is surrounded by a number of myths and ideas that are very far from reality. You can learn more in the article here.

Even seemingly ordinary moments can be unattainable.
Help caregivers
just be a parent for a while.
Listen to our documentary podcast mini-series about caregiving with families.

Part 1 - Viktor. Walls and Regime.

"I would give him my lungs." Hear the story of 16-year-old Viktor and get an insight into field relief service and home care with nurse Teresa in the first part of the audio documentary miniseries House for Juliet.

Part 2 - Monika. Mysterious world.

"I know why I didn't go for an abortion." Hear the story of 7-year-old Monika and get a glimpse of the field relief service with caregiver, Eva, in the second part of the audio documentary mini-series Domu pro Julia.

Part 3 - Veronika. Silent household.

"I already thought that she would gradually leave us." Hear the story of 19-year-old Veronika and get an insight into field relief service and home care with nurse, Teresa in the third final part of the audio documentary miniseries House for Juliet.

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